Yash Chopra became good friends with actress Meena Kumari after he wrote her a poem. Meena Kumari encouraged him to be an actor. He said to her, "I speak so fast that the film made will be very short."
Yash Chopra first selected Smita Patil and Parveen Babi to cast in the roles that Jaya Bachchan and Rekha played in Silsila (1981). He later confessed to lead actor Amitabh Bachchan that he would ideally have liked Jaya and Rekha, and was told by Mr Bachchan to go ahead and ask both actresses.
When Amitabh Bachchan had his near-fatal accident on the sets of Coolie in 1982 and had to be flown from Bangalore to Mumbai, Yash Chopra arranged for the ambulance that would whisk the injured star from Santa Cruz airport to Breach Candy Hospital.
Among Yash Chopra's favourite film locations was Switzerland and he shot at a lake in the Alpenrausch so often that it was named Chopra Lake.
Yash Chopra's earliest films were produced by elder brother B R Chopra. In 1971, after he returned from his honeymoon with new bride Pamela, he broke away to begin his own production house Yash Raj Films.
Yash Chopra first selected Smita Patil and Parveen Babi to cast in the roles that Jaya Bachchan and Rekha played in Silsila (1981). He later confessed to lead actor Amitabh Bachchan that he would ideally have liked Jaya and Rekha, and was told by Mr Bachchan to go ahead and ask both actresses.
When Amitabh Bachchan had his near-fatal accident on the sets of Coolie in 1982 and had to be flown from Bangalore to Mumbai, Yash Chopra arranged for the ambulance that would whisk the injured star from Santa Cruz airport to Breach Candy Hospital.
Among Yash Chopra's favourite film locations was Switzerland and he shot at a lake in the Alpenrausch so often that it was named Chopra Lake.
Yash Chopra's earliest films were produced by elder brother B R Chopra. In 1971, after he returned from his honeymoon with new bride Pamela, he broke away to begin his own production house Yash Raj Films.
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